OpenHPS: Single Floor Fingerprinting and Trajectory Dataset
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Van de Wynckel, M., & Signer, B. (2021). OpenHPS: Single Floor Fingerprinting and Trajectory Dataset.
@misc{vandewynckel2021dataset, author = {Van de Wynckel, Maxim and Signer, Beat}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4744380}, year = {2021}, month = {may 9}, title = {OpenHPS: Single {Floor} {Fingerprinting} and {Trajectory} {Dataset}}, }
This dataset contains fingerprint information of WLAN access points and BLE beacons with a known position and IMU sensor data. Data was collected on the floor of the Web and Information Systems Engineering (WISE) Lab at the VUB (Pleinlaan 9, 3rd floor) with 110 training reference points and 30 test data points. Each reference point was recorded for 20 seconds in four different orientations.